The town of Hammonton is the most Italian town in the United States of America. We have traditions that go back 135 years. This blog was created in order to keep the traditions of our culture alive. On this blog you will also find a little bit of Italian history and culture. Always remember, if traditions are not preserved they die off and they are forgotten forever. Share the heritage!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Adult Italian Classes For Beginner

To Community of Hammonton,
Hammonton is known as the Italian Capital of the United States.  With this title come some advantages such as the Mt. Carmel Festival and other Italian Organizations in our town.  Though we have many Italian organizations in our town they all face the same problem. None of the organizations offer Italian Language Courses. When people think of Hammonton, they think of a small Italian town where Italian is spoken often. In fact, you rarely hear Italian in Hammonton.  If you are lucky you will be able to hear a little spoken in Bagliani’s by the older generation of Italians.
We frequently use excuses like “my parents never taught me” or “well I understand it, but I can’t speak it” when describing how much Italian we know. It’s time that we change this. If you have always wanted to learn Italian I have a class to recommend for you. The Amici della Lingua Italiana, a local Italian Club headquartered in Burlington NJ is offering Adult Italian classes for beginners in our town. In fact, the classes are being taught by Mrs. Adair who teaches High school Italian. Mrs. Adair will provide her students with everything they need to succeed in the Italian Language Class. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know Italian at all. Most likely the person sitting next to you will not either. These classes are for beginners who have dreams of being able to read, write, and speak the beautiful language of our heritage.
This is an amazing opportunity for this town. We have waited long enough to pay homage to our ancestors who came from Italy many years ago. What a better way to do it then speak the language of our heritage. The classes are going to be held at Hammonton High School on Tuesday nights from 6:30PM to 8:00PM. The classes will run from September to May. The cost of the class is $175 plus books, which includes a membership to the Amici della Lingua Italiana. Keep in mind that this is very inexpensive. Most private lessons run from $70 an hour and up. We are accepting new students every day, in fact we need more students to keep the classes going. Let’s not let this opportunity go. Please join the Italian classes so we can live up to being the “Italian Capital of the United States”. Please contact Charles Sbarra at 609-377-4083 or Marion Condo at 856-768-5752.

Charles Sbarra
Trustee, Amici della Lingua Italiana

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