The town of Hammonton is the most Italian town in the United States of America. We have traditions that go back 135 years. This blog was created in order to keep the traditions of our culture alive. On this blog you will also find a little bit of Italian history and culture. Always remember, if traditions are not preserved they die off and they are forgotten forever. Share the heritage!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Save the Hammonton High School Italian Club

Caro Amici,    

Sadly, due to the budget crisis in the state of New Jersey, the Hammonton Board of Education has voted to eliminate the Hammonton High School Italian Club as part of the budget for the 2010-2011 school year. The approved budget will cut numerous other extra-curricular activities, in addition to several positions held by valued teachers and other staff members at the high school.
            While budgetary cuts are, unfortunately, necessary when faced with the lack of money, we are questioning the decision to cut the Italian Club. The club plays an important role in this Italian community. It is the largest language club at Hammonton High School, boasting more than 60 members. You may be aware of the contributions of the club: We distribute a quarterly, student-written newsletter throughout the community; we host the annual World Language Dinner; we started the Showcase of Italian and Italian-American Heritage; and we sponsor Italian-related class trips for our members. We hold true to our mission statement:

The Hammonton High School Italian Club is a culture club committed to embracing and celebrating Italian Culture, Language, and Heritage. The Club’s main purpose is to share Italian Heritage through social functions and community events.
The primary reason we have for questioning the Board of Education’s decision is that the vast majority of our funds comes from fundraisers, donations, and the club’s members. The newsletter is printed for free, the club members pay a minimal fee for a year of postage, and trips are paid for by the students or by donations from local Italian clubs within the community. The High School Italian Club would be able to operate and continue its work within the community without the funds provided by the Board of Education. Therefore, we urge others in the community to contact the school to question the Board of Education’s decision and ask for the Hammonton High School Italian Club to be reinstated.

Hammonton High School
566 Old Forks Road
Hammonton, NJ 08037
(609) 567-7000


HHS Italian Club Board of Officers

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